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Dental veneers serve as a solution to discolored and otherwise damaged teeth. When you look in the mirror at imperfect teeth, it has a major impact on your everyday interactions. People become shyer, more reserved and often embarrassed by teeth that have lost their original shape and color. Veneers solve this problem. Crystal Dental’s team can offer composite or – the superior alternative – porcelain veneers to restore the original luster to your smile.

The top cosmetic dentist in Los Angeles can handle any number of procedures, from full whitening to porcelain crowns , veneers and implants. With veneers, exceptional technique is required to put the right shape and color “screen” on top of the natural tooth. In essence, a veneer is a false outer layer that masks the imperfections of your teeth in their current state. Finding the perfect shade to match the whiteness of other teeth is important, as is mimicking the natural contours of your teeth and gums.

Composite veneers can be added onto a tooth right in the dentist’s chair and because the materials are different when compared to the enamel of your natural teeth, you will notice a new type of texture in your mouth. Porcelain veneers, on the other hand, are very close to the properties of natural teeth. They make your teeth look uniform, as if there was no damage or discoloration underneath. To the naked eye, it will seem like every tooth in your mouth is super healthy.

A great dentist in Los Angeles like the professionals at Crystal Dental will be able to handle this procedure for you in just a few visits. For more information or to find a center near you please visit

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