One of the most common questions that our dentist in Los Angeles gets, is whether or not you or your teen needs to have their wisdom teeth pulled. If this is a concern that you’ve been dealing with, here are a few things to keep in mind:
Not All Wisdom Teeth Are Bad
Wisdom teeth are not necessarily always a bad thing. The reason they often need to be removed is because of their location. Often times they become impacted or wedged against other teeth, facilitating tooth decay, abscesses, or other non-reversible damage. Should your wisdom teeth erupt in perfect alignment, you may not have any difficulty keeping these back teeth healthy.
They Continue Developing Into Your 20s
Some individuals never experience wisdom tooth pain or discomfort until their late 20s. Yes, some people do have their 3rd molars removed when they are teens, but these teeth sometimes do not reach their fully matured stage until closer to your 30th birthday.
Sometimes it’s Best to Remove Them Early
If your wisdom teeth are positioned in a way that predisposes them to infection, decay, pain, or damage to other teeth, it is usually in your best interest to go ahead and remove them before problems start. The best way to decide what their outcome looks like is to have a panoramic x-ray taken to assess their current situation and development.
It’s a Routine Process
We understand that many people have reservations about having oral surgery. When it comes to wisdom teeth extractions, our dentists will take several steps to ensure your comfort and safety throughout the entire process.
For further information or to schedule a wisdom tooth evaluation and x-ray at Crystal Dental Centers please visit or contact Crystal Dental at 213.748.8448.