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Baby teeth are sweet; you never forget that first toothy grin your little one has. Thankfully, most kids don’t remember the pain of teething and the earlier they get introduced to their dentist, the more likely they will be to cooperate and even look forward to going!

Your Los Angeles dentist at Crystal Dental Center looks forward to seeing our youngest patients and hopes to make their initial visits an easy, relaxed experience.

Dental Health Starts at Home

Even before your child has teeth, you can and should be taking care of their dental health. Use a soft, damp washcloth to wipe her gums clean after meals and before bed. Once those sharp baby teeth cut through, use a finger brush with a baby toothpaste or plain water to clean them regularly.

Talk about Your Dentist

It’s never too early to talk to your children about the things they are going to do, even when they are six months old and you think they can’t possibly understand. With toddlers and preschoolers, it’s even more important. When you schedule your child’s first dental appointment, start telling them about it. Tell them how you will be there with them the whole time, and can sit in your lap if they want. Explain how a dentist and his helper will want to count their teeth, and then use a special toothbrush to clean them. Read books that show how easy a dental visit can be.

Crystal Dental Centers are the dentists in Los Angeles that serve the entire family, from the first visit as an infant to implants and dentures as you age. Make your child’s first appointment no later than 12 months old and start them on the road to excellent dental health! For further information or to schedule a consultation please contact Crystal Dental Center at 213.748.8448 or visit

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