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Does your little one constantly grind their teeth back and forth? The habit of teeth grinding can be both painful and harmful for your child. If you discover that they are frequently grinding their teeth, a condition called bruxism, it is best to visit your pediatric dentist to prevent long-term damage. Read below for some helpful information on child bruxism, and how you can find help to stop the habit.

Identifying Bruxism

When it comes to teeth grinding, every child has a different experience. Some children don’t exhibit any symptoms. In other cases, bruxism can lead to chipped teeth or worn-down tooth enamel. Both of these problems can cause pain while chewing and increased tooth sensitivity to hot and cold. Additionally, kids can develop throbbing headaches or earaches, and in severe cases, jaw pain that makes it difficult to chew or open their mouths.

In many cases, teeth grinding in children occurs at night. Listening while your child sleeps is the best way to identify nighttime bruxism. Because of the grinding noise, bruxism is easy to differentiate from other sleeping sounds. If you suspect your child is affected, schedule an appointment with Dr. Moradzadeh of Crystal Dental, the leading pediatric dentist in Los Angeles, to get a diagnosis and learn about treatment options. Maintaining regular dental appointments helps identify signs of bruxism in your child.


The most common treatment option for bruxism is to wear a night guard to protect teeth in cases where bruxism is causing damage. While many children outgrow teeth grinding as their permanent teeth develop, there are some cases that require additional treatment options. A therapist or specialist may be recommended if your child’s grinding is caused by stress or anxiety. It can be helpful to speak with your child daily about what is causing him or her severe stress and how you can best cope with the stressor.

If you are concerned that your child may suffer from teeth grinding, and you are afraid of the permanent damage it could cause, contact Dr. Moradzadeh of Crystal Dental, a top pediatric dentist in Los Angeles at 213.748.8448 to schedule an appointment or visit to learn more.

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