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By putting all the latest technology to use, a cosmetic dentist has so many ways to improve your smile. Patients looking for a dentist in Santa Ana can look forward to minor procedures like old filling replacements and whitening, or think even bigger and consider realigning your gums and straightening your teeth. Crystal Dental has countless techniques to get you the million-dollar smile at an affordable cost.

Cosmetic dentistry means far more than whitening teeth these days. You’ll find ways to correct an overbite (or under-bite), discover ways to have your gums shifted, and find alternatives to silver fillings and more. Patients who need a great cosmetic dentist in Santa Ana will be relieved to know there is little pain involved in our procedures, while there is so much to gain from improving your smile in a minimum amount of visits.

Many of the cosmetic procedures utilize porcelain, the natural substance that is so close to the material of dental enamel – what your teeth are made of at birth. By controlling the shade of the porcelain in a filling or a veneer, your Santa Ana cosmetic dentist can fill cavities and mask imperfections with materials that look entirely natural. Crystal Dental’s team will place a veneer on top of a crooked or cracked tooth and match the color to surrounding teeth. It’s cosmetic improvement at its best.

As an Orange County cosmetic dentist, we specialize in crooked or misaligned teeth. Our invisible braces do their job in secret; you’ll see smooth, perfectly positioned teeth when you trust your smile in Crystal Dental.

Of course, nothing ends the process quite like professional whitening. When you fix the isolated problems and then solve the alignment issues of your teeth, whitening will give you that smile you thought was impossible. With our team of dentists, it’s all in a day’s work. For more information or to find a location near you please visit

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